Sunday, December 30, 2007

Gum, she wrote...

We could handle the small crowd of ADDCP5. We smiled at the torrential downpour that killed my beautiful candlelit walkway plan--after all, the state of Georgia's in a drought, and how nice of the rain to come on Daniel Dean's birthday! But nothing could prepare us for the horror that awaited on December 16th, when while folding one of our card tables we discovered FRESH GUM stuck to the bottom of one of them, in the very same Sweet Mint Orbit flavor that almost every person around the four card tables had taken a piece of the night before. But which one of our friends could be the culprit? Could it be Kevin, the former baseball player--those guys are known for spitting sunflower seeds, tobacco, gum ... How about Kim, the gum provider? Was she tired of the gum, giving away each piece to strangers and her own to the bottom of the table? What about Daniel Williams? Could his princeliness be forever tarnished with a single heinous act?

A quick look at the location of the offending table narrowed the choices to three individuals:

Paul, recent Tech grad, usually a class act.
Steve, doctoral candidate in linguistics, known germophobe.
Megan, college student, helpful party assistant.

Excluding Steve seems a no-brainer, but there's where the mystery comes in. Jessica always surprised us back in the day, didn't she? What do you think, folks?


Anonymous said...

Disgusting! I usually swallow or put my gum in the trash. Which I did on the night in question, I honestly cannot remember.

Another couple possibilities to throw in the mix:

1) Who took down the table? Could it have been an inside job?!? Ok, long shot.

2) Don't forget the child factor. Which of the kids had access to the precise genus of offending gum, given to us by one of the card-players while we were at the card table, is sadly a vexed question.

Hmmm...good one, Leah.

Kevin said...

I'll admit to the sunflower seeds in the kitchen and the tobacco in the ice bowl, but the gum wasn't my doing. Honest.

Matt Stout said...

It wasn't me. I would sooner swallow my gum than leave it lying around.

Graham said...

Have you nothing better to do than to play amateur sleuth, Miss JB (Leah) Fletcher? Now you have not only exposed a "sticky" problem, but you may have opened a can of worms as well! At least you have 3 non-confessions. ~Mom

Karen said...

I'm just glad I wasn't there to be one of the suspects! Happy 2008!

Anonymous said...

Lyndsay and I got there late but we never went near the card table.

That's pretty gross.

Anonymous said...

Still no confession?