Saturday, September 15, 2007

More PowerPoint Creations

Several weeks ago, I was trying to come up with some ideas for ads in a few hours. Who knows why I decided to send off a popsicle-stick-and-paste production to a real advertising agency, but I figured they might be impressed with my ingenuity. If I can make interesting things using only Paint and Power Point on a PC (with no real knowledge of computers), surely I could do great things with the proper tools and training. Faulty logic, since advertising jobs are hard to come by and you usually have to have the polish of ad school, but it was fun whipping these up anyway. I created a fictional brand called unREAL that is honest about makeup's inherit dishonesty. They're for real with women about the masks we wear--and they're okay with it. Anyway, there will never be such a company, but if there were, I thought these would be good ads:


Heather said...

Your ads reaffirmed my position on NOT wearing makeup everyday! To put it another way, your ads are very effective, but not necessarily business friendly.

Anonymous said...

Funny comment: I'm with Heather. This ad has convinced me not wear makeup anymore (except for special occasions).

Real comment: These are really clever. And with Paint and PowerPoint, no less.

Karen said...

I love them!!!

Anonymous said...

very good, Leah. I'm thinking unReal would make a great second blog for you.

You did a great job to only be using Paint and Powerpoint.

Leah said...

Thanks, everybody.