Monday, October 1, 2007

Well, it's 70 dollars more than we had.

I am saddened to announce that I am finally over it. My love for yard sales (on the hosting end, that is) is over. Though I'm sure I will continue to frequent them throughout my life--even if I marry into money or get rich in some other fortuitous fashion--I don't feel tempted to have another one. Ever.

Or at least not until next spring, when we'll have free advertising again with the biannual Beaver Glen Homeowners Association Community Yard Sale. But only if I'm really, really broke.


Anonymous said...

did you have a bad experience this time around?

Leah said...

Naah. It was just boring, and more trouble than it was worth. Something just happened inside, and I thought, "I don't want to do this anymore."

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I could ever host a yard sale. My affinity for making money would be offset by my dislike of random strangers touching my stuff...